Anna Quinn | She's Here!

Pardon my absence from recent blog posts... I've got so much work I can't wait to share, but have been busy over the past month or so getting ready to welcome a little girl into our family.  While my husband and I anxiously prepped the house, wrapped-up any last client work and prepared for something you can't prepare for, I'm afraid I've been pretty silent on social media!

All of that said, let me please introduce anyone reading to Anna Quinn - our little girl was born on March 8th, 2018, International Women's Day, at 11:06pm.  She weighed-in at 7lb 5.5oz and measured 20" long, and we are all doing extremely well.  

I've had some of the most amazing support around me over the past few days - family has been there for us like we never could've predicted.  We're so in love with this baby, and overwhelmed with the changes to our life already.  We can't wait to see what the future brings for all of us!

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