Nadia & Gunnar.

This will go down as one of my favorite shoots in forever.  I met these two (AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHERS - srsly. look at their work) at a workshop last spring - admittedly two of a handful of people I know that live in Southern California - so when I came out to shoot in Joshua Tree, they were the first I thought of.  

Shooting in the desert, for an east coast'er - is like photographing a couple on the moon.  It's so foreign and dry and full of all the things we'll never have out here.  From the moment we started planning our trip, I was totally hung-up on the idea of contrast - the way the dry red scenery would contrast bright colorful flowers... the way Joshua Tree, so dark and outdoorsy, would contrast a beautiful gown... and the way the white and black in the gown not only contrast each other but the scenery AND the colorful flowers.  

This is one of those shoots where I see a very direct correlation between my background in graphic design and my photography - it's just another visual language, same basic ideas :) 

thanks to nadia & gunnar for modeling; going steady studios for flowers, make-up by emerald m for hair and make-up, and - of course - sweet caroline styles for the gown.

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