A Nerd's Invitation.

Matt and I decided to have a Friendsgiving this fall - something I did a couple of times with roommates in Chicago that was awesome for so many reasons.  My chance to make THE friendsgiving turkey? Check.  Getting all of your friends together to kick-off the holiday season? Check.  Sampling everyone's favorite classic holiday side dish while filling them with as much alcohol (camouflaged by warm cider) as possible? Check.

It's win-win-win.  And a lovely dress rehearsal for the big show - for the first time since ever, my family is coming HERE to NC to celebrate Thanksgiving in my home.  This might not seem like a big accomplishment to some, but it is.  

Anyways, how do you invite people over when you're a graphic designer and your boyfriend builds websites (and deals with their marketing on the line) for a living?  You make a website.  It's nothing fancy, but in a day we had it designed and ready for our friends, family, and the delicious treats they will hopefully bring our way in November!

a trip to michigan with the camera three years ago finally comes in handy.

a trip to michigan with the camera three years ago finally comes in handy.

there are two options : "yes, i'm coming" or "no, i hate thanksgiving." - this pops up with the latter.

there are two options : "yes, i'm coming" or "no, i hate thanksgiving." - this pops up with the latter.